Father's Day Outdoor Adventures and Storytime

Jun 03, 2024 by Alexa Bigwarfe, in News & updates
Remember those carefree days spent playing in the dirt, discovering hidden treasures, and watching seeds grow into beautiful blooms? These cherished memories hold a special place in our hearts, and it's time to relive them with inspiration from our books! 

Purchase Emma's Sunflower
Purchase Behind the Secret Garden Door 

As Father's Day approaches, many families are contemplating how to celebrate this special occasion. Instead of the usual gifts or outings, why not embark on a journey back to your roots? This Father's Day, reconnect with nature and create lasting memories by doing outdoor activities inspired by two of our books: Behind the Secret Garden Door and Emma's Sunflower.

Behind the Secret Garden Door invites readers to enter Teddy’s garden where he meets many different friends and foes. Ranging from a fox to a butterfly and even Teddy’s human sister, the characters spark conversation around the garden's purpose and connection to life. The lessons in this book are incredible and definitely great for some outdoor gardening inspiration!

Imagine wandering through your backyard with Dad, searching for the perfect spot to create your own secret garden. Armed with seeds, soil, and gardening tools, you begin discovering all sorts of creatures just beyond the garden door. Together, you plant, water, and nurture your little oasis, watching as it flourishes and blooms under your care.

Emma's Sunflower celebrates the joys of gardening and the circle of life. Written in dyslexia friendly font, mother nature takes a small sunflower seed through all 4 seasons, to emerge tall and strong on Emma’s birthday. The best part? The sunflower brings back some feathered friends that Emma thought had been driven from her garden. This picture book covers concepts of nature, birds, seasons, colors, and counting, perfect for families! 

Picture Dad and the kids gathered around a patch of soil, eagerly planting sunflower seeds and eagerly anticipating their growth. With each passing day, they watch as the tiny sprouts emerge from the earth, reaching for the sun and growing taller.

This Father's Day, let's celebrate the simple joys of spending time outdoors and bonding with our loved ones. Whether you're exploring the secrets of gardens or growing sunflowers in your backyard, the magic of storytelling and the wonders of nature are sure to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. So grab your gardening gloves, dust off your imagination, and let's make this Father's Day one to remember!

Purchase Emma's Sunflower
Purchase Behind the Secret Garden Door